Salar de Uyuni Photos

The album below is posted on my Facebook account.  (And our very best photos are uploaded to Smugmug!)

If you would like to comment on our travel-related photos, you should friend Arlo and/or Oksana on Facebook.

“(High-resolution versions of most of these photos can be found in the Bolivia folder of our Smugmug page:

I tried to put these photos in roughly chronological order, so it may seem like there are some duplicates, because…

We actually went out on the world’s largest salt flats twice because both Oksana and I got very sick on the first trip and had to cancel our tour with Wendy and Dusty of

Which was fortunate for us, because that gave us another crack at seeing a sunset on the salar. And boy or boy, did we ever!

I don’t know if I’ve ever shot so many photos I liked in such a short amount of time. Probably should have only posted half as many, but I just couldn’t decide which where the best…

Finally, a bit of the story about our trips to Uyuni can be read here:”

From Salar de Uyuni, February 2011, posted by Arlo Midgett on 3/15/2011 (199 items)

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