PV008: Sydney Opera House

Wow, finally time to put this one to bed! I’ve been thinking about and working on this episode for a long time. Since 2008, if the time stamp on my Word doc can be believed!
Originally, when I was mulling over about how to tackle a podcast, I latched onto the idea of using a homemade teleprompter. In theory, this would have had all sorts of benefits:
- I could keep going with my blog-entry style of writing.
- I wouldn’t have to practice speaking without notes.
- At the end of the recording, I’d have a Google-ready transcript ready for posting.
In practice, however, the setup was clunky and the free teleprompter software really wasn’t very good. I used our Sydney Opera House footage for a practice run and gave up well before the editing phase. I did have the transcript written, however, and for fun, I’ve pasted it in, way down at the end of this post. It’s interesting to see, after two years, what made the final cut and what was left on the cutting room floor.