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Oksana and I were in North Carolina when we decided to go to Niagara Falls for our honeymoon. Since we were on our way to Florida at the time, it was a little out of our way, but I was seduced by the lure of an internet add for a 4-star hotel with a “Fallsview” room.
Once we got there, we discovered the Sheraton was about three blocks uphill from the falls themselves. So, while it was true we had a Fallsview room, we also had a Casinoview room and a ParkingGarageview room… At no extra cost!
We drove into Canada the night before and didn’t see the famous falls until the next morning. Then we took a wrong turn, walking down the street from our hotel, so we ended up approaching the falls from its headwaters. I actually enjoyed that, seeing it revealed in bits and pieces, rather than coming up from the downstream side.
We battled our way to the railing, shoulder to shoulder with all the other tourists. Both of us took some photos and shot some video. As we continued downstream, I finally found a spot that had a good view in both direction and wasn’t too crowded. I snapped a quick series of photos, intending to use them as a panorama later.
If I had been more patient, I could have waited for the sun to peek out from behind the clouds. When the mist was just right, and the sun was just right, rainbows would arc out in front of us. But if I would have waited for that, I would have also had to wait for one of the Maid of the Mist boats to be perfectly centered under the rainbow and, well, I’d probably still be there now.
This one’ll do me just fine.
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date: 17 August 2010; 1:25pm
Focal Length: 45mm
Shutter: 1/640 second
Aperture: F/8
ISO: 100
Photoshop: 9 images stitched together with Autostitch, increased saturation, cloned in some plants in lower left to allow for long crop, cloned out cement railing on extreme right.