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We were in Key West to dive, but we hadn’t really planned how long we were going to stay. Our first couple dives were okay, but nothing spectacular. The water was a little murky, the coral a little sparse. We paid a little more to go with a different company on the second day and were rewarded with friendlier staff, a better location, and more underwater sights. We decided to stay for a third day of diving, even though it would mean getting up early on Oksana’s birthday.
While not as spectacular as the previous day, the dives were good (and, coincidentally, we discovered that another girl on our dive trip shared Oksana’s birthday!) Still, Oksana likes to celebrate her birthday with parties and friend, and I was worried that diving wasn’t enough. I decided to take her out on a sunset cruise.
Plenty of ships compete for your business in Key West; we walked the docks until we found one of the old schooners we’d heard about, the Hindu. A sketchy but gregarious salesmen chatted us up and talked us into booking a couple tickets for the 6:30pm sailing.
The evening was gorgeous, the wind light. While our captain and his college-students-on-summer-vacation crew lamented the lack of wind, Oksana and I relished the relaxed atmosphere on the bow. Coolers of beer, flutes of champagne, and small panini sandwiches were available for the asking. The only thing marring the serenity on the water was the loud southern woman who took the all-you-can-drink offer to heart.
As the sunset deepened, Oksana and I took turns walking the deck with the camera, taking photos of ourselves, the sun and sky, and the other sailing vessels tacking in and out of our wake. Looking back over our pictures, I can tell you I took the one immediately proceeding this one (because Oksana’s in it), but I think she might have been the one who snapped this photo three minutes later.
And can I just say: Best Lens Flare Ever!
Canon Digital Rebel XT
Date: 17 June 2008, 8:00pm
Focal Length: 88mm
Shutter: 1/500 second
Aperture: F/20
ISO: 100
Photoshop: Rotated & cropped (horizon-leveling),
cloned out salt spray spots on lens, minor contrast adjustments