Vanity Press, Done Right
Here’s an idea.
Recently I read about some bloggers who had been devastated by the loss of their writings. It sounds like this wasn’t just a coincidence, but rather a global problem with the service they were using, Blogger. Doesn’t matter; I run my blog with WordPress. But it did get me thinking.
Once upon a time, I installed a word count plug-in on my blog. It’s right up there at the top of this page. As I write this, the total is up around 168,000 words. That’s a hell of a lot of information to lose.
Oh, I’ve got backups. My web host can roll back to a previous image of the server at a moment’s notice. Plus, WordPress has a MySQL database backup option. Heck, if worse came to worst, I could go back to the original text documents I used to compose each entry. Of course, they’re often not the final edits, don’t contain the photos posted along with them, and they’re spread out among four computers and various backup discs…
You know what would be cool? Getting a copy of my blog printed as a book with one of those online vanity presses. I’m under no illusions that it would be of interest to anyone but myself, but you have to admit that it’d be a pretty neat-o way to archive all I’ve written.
I’m psyching myself up to tackle this daunting project. has a very robust offering of printing methods; I’ll probably use them. And while I’m confident that, in time, I can figure out their processes, I’m not looking forward to formatting 168,000 words and photos to their precise requirements.
Someone should create plug-ins for the major blog services (WordPress, Movable Type, Blogger, etc.) that automatically download the entire contents of a blog and saves that information in pre-defined, ready-for-the-press, .pdf templates. Templates ready-made for specific-size book formats on a site like would be perfect.
Wouldn’t it be cool to order a book version of your blog with just a click or two?