Tag Archives: statistics
February 18, 2012

PV Infographic 2: Camera Stats

Infographic #2, Camera Stats

Our second infographic took longer than I thought to compile and layout, but if you take a look, you’ll see why.  9 different devices (2 iPhones, if  you were wondering), created over 95,000 files that were backed up to 3 different hard drives.  Almost 60,000 photos taken on this trip and more than 5,000 video files!  If I’m going to share this stuff with you all over the coming year — and that’s the plan — then I guess I have my work cut out for me!

Make sure to click on the image above to see a larger version.

May 2, 2004


Sally Lightfoot (20k image)I’d like to take a moment to formally introduce you to a new project: My Photoblog!

About a month ago, my wife and I started up a new section of arlomidgett.com where we could post some examples of my photography and attempt to actually make some money off of it. The first photo was uploaded on April 1st, and I’ve kept it fairly quiet since then.
