PV003: The Grand Adventure

Continuing where we left off with the Iguazú episode of last week, here’s the first one of those park vignettes I told you about.
While we were contemplating what to do on our second day in the park, a Ukrainian cab driver named Andres recommended a tour called La Gran Aventura. We’d seen brochures and advertisements all over, translated into English as The Big Adventure, The Great Adventure, or The Grand Adventure (It’s probably the worst actual translation, but I liked “grand” because it sounded the most poetic.)
The cost of the tour was 150 pesos per person, about $50 U.S. We were worried about spending so much for what was really just a slightly different view of the park, but it became one of the highlights of this part of the trip. I think the post-trip DVD they sell for 90 pesos ($30 U.S.) was kind of a rip-off, but it turned out to be invaluable when we told sat down to tell our story here… (more…)